I have access to many of my high school classmate's screenname by their facebook, xanga, and myspace. I am in my college now. I want to make new friends with my high school classmates. I am not sure if it is okay to im people from your high school looking for a new friend. I personally wouldn't mind people from my high school iming me to be friends though. If a person says "How did you got my screenname?" or anything like that, does that person want to talk to you at all? How can you tell if a person wants to be friends or not?
Help please?
Just do what you want ot do, if they say "how do you got my screenname?"then just tell them that you still remember from high school and htat you still want to be friends. And then they probaly what to be your friend, you will nenevr know unless you try.
Good luck!
Reply:your thinking to much, lol if you want to be friends go for....don't think about it, friends are math problems, their friends. if you just go for it, they'll respect you more. its cool to im them and stuff
Reply:Just go ahead and send a friend request. If they ask how you got their info, unless you got it illegally, just tell them you were cruising the site and you came across them, saw them on someone else's space etc. Only way you can tell if they want to be your friend is if they agree and accept you.
Reply:just send an email and tell your casual news if they interested they ll ask questions, if not then not so friendly.
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