Thursday, August 19, 2010

Whats it mean if you dream about a rattlesnake????

if you feel like reading my whole dream, the link is http://www. xanga. com/CaiTLyNs_crazy_a s s_dreams [remove spaces!]

does this dream mean something's gonna happen???

Whats it mean if you dream about a rattlesnake????
They say it means your enemies are getting close or something like that. I think it means you are apprehensive about something or scared about something in your life.
Reply:I'm sorry, I wasn't able to open the site.

But, let's think on it.......

What exactly is a snake....??

Would you trust a snake?......... Think on that!!!

Snakes are symbolic of the character nature of some people... they are sneaky, deceiving... often called the enemy.... one who is treacherous.......

The interesting thing here is this one "rattles"....... Now, I don't have a "story" here, so I cannot surmise whether this rattle is a voice or not.... .But, he must get in your nerves......

Your sister,


((dream interpreter for over 20 years))
Reply:In the Jungian sense, it means that you are going through a transformation. Snakes always reflect transformation as they shed their skin. You are letting go of something you no longer need and becoming aware of the "snake" means that it is coming into your consciousness.

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