Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A question about my hair color, I'd really like some answers!?

So, I'm trying to decide what to do with my hair. I'm going to see my stylist soon and I'm probably going to have her dye it. I've been dyeing it since I was 13 and I'm 15 (There was a freak highlighting accident so I had to dye my hair....) Anyway...

When I was about 11 my hair was always really blonde. But now, looking at my roots, they are kinda brown, but almost like dirty blonde. Do you think I'd be okay as a blonde? Right now my hair is light brown. I have a fair complexion and green eyes.

Here's what I was thinking of doing.

But maybe a bit brighter? What do you think?

Actually, I think I have the same complexion as her too...

I just don't want to be dissed becuase it will be "fake". Do you think it will be fake if thats what my hair used to be anyway???

A question about my hair color, I'd really like some answers!?
Bring a few clear, color pictures of yourself when you were younger %26amp; had blonde hair so the stylist can use that as a base line for the most natural look.

If you want to ease into going completely blonde, put in lots of highlights and work towards allover blonde as summer approaches.

Note: Highlights are easier to maintain than allover color - less issues with roots showing.
Reply:that would be a good color for you, with what you are describing. and who cares if you dye your hair. ive had several shades of red, brown, black, even green hair. if you like it go for it! ask your stylist for some tips too. good luck!

peace out:)
Reply:you should dye it blonde and brown underneath , it;s totally in style
Reply:i think yor hair should stay blond because greens eyes and blonde hair is a good match so what im saying is its your decison if your hair should stayy blonde
Reply:She has high and low lights in her hair, and possibly on top of a base color. In my opinion, it doesn't matter how good of a job your stylist does applying the highlights, they will always look fake. Unless she takes the time to do one strand of hair at a time, then maybe it will look natural, but I'm sure no one out there has the patience to do that. Also, in the pic her skin is a bit darker from tanning. If your skin is as dark as that, then blonde is bound to look fake.

As the girl above mentioned about being born with a certain color...that doesn't mean anything. My oldest brother was born with blonde hair and now his hair is dark brown, but in no way would he look good as a blonde. Same with my husband. He's half Italian and has the olive skin and was born with golden blonde hair, but if he died it that color would just look ridiculous. But since your roots are a light brown/dirty blonde you should be okay to do it blonde. I would say start with a dark blonde and if you want it lighter, add some highlights...they can be done in the same day as your color. Just remember blonde hair will only look natural on a very light or pale complexion.
Reply:It doesn't really matter what others think. If you like it, then I think you should go for it. And besides, like you said, your hair WAS blonde in the first place.
Reply:check the links below for * Hair coloring tips


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